
Gender differences

Ever notice that your siblings were pretty different depending on the gender? Or maybe if you have children of your own do you realize that sometimes boys act differently to some situations than girls do? A lot of people believe this is because it’s social influence. They think it is more nurture than nature. But is it really just coming from the situations we are placed in, or the people we associate with? Is it because commercials are telling us that boys have to play with trucks while girls play with Polly Pocket?
We talked about this in my class this week. After going to class for three hours I’ve really come to my own conclusion that it has to do with more than our surroundings how we act or behave.
If you were given a boy and a girl would you purposely go out of your way to make sure you raise your boy the same as your daughter? Well obviously you want your son to be compassionate and not aggressive, but is raising him as your daughter the answer? Lots of people believe that if we raise our sons as our daughters they will come out better because they will have similar qualities.

I would like everyone to know that I will not raise my son thinking he is a girl. I will encourage him to say sorry and have compassion towards those in need, but I’m not going to take away his trucks and replace them with dolls.
Think about the differences between men and women. TYPICIALLY (This is not saying all men and women are this way)
Men are more aggressive, competitive, self-reliant, and task oriented.
Now before each of you women out there say, “hold on!! I’m – “ I’m saying this is what studies show men are typically. I will admit I’m very competitive, I like to believe I’m self-reliant, and all that good stuff. It’s just in general
Women are more emotional/sensitive; detail oriented; understand directions through landmarks, cooperative, and relationship oriented.
Can you not think of how you fit into each category? When I’m giving directions I tell people, “Yeah take a left at the half-pipe church, you’ll keep driving until you reach the house with the water tower and take a right.” Most girls will agree with me that they do the exact same thing. When I’m talking to men they more often than not tell me through street names or tell me to head “East”. What is this east everyone keeps talking about? ;)
This is one of the lessons where we addressed that it’s okay to be different. In fact, celebrate that you are different than the opposite gender. If we were all the same then there would not be a need for one of us. I like to know my husband has strengths in certain areas that I do not have. It’s a way we balance each other out. Enjoy it! And if your son decides to make guns out of carrots at the kitchen table, it doesn’t mean he is a bad kid. It just shows the difference in his way of thinking.

I'm hoping this video works: (Interesting and worth watching)

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