

It seems like Divorce is such a common lifestyle these days. It happens to multiple people, most everyone knows someone who is divorce. And most of the time we are related to someone who is divorced. So has it always been this way?

Divorce has happened for quite some time, but it has never been this common. About 4 decades ago California and New York created the no-fault divorce. Before the No-fault had been created it took a lot to get divorced. It went to court where the whole community could join. The spouse wanting the divorce would have to prove that they were seriously neglected (Lots of proof); continuously physically abused; or sometimes they could prove their spouse had committed adultery. Now just because you could prove one of those reasons did not mean you would actually be able to get a divorce. 

Once California decided to pass the No-Fault divorce, divorces sky rocketed. The peak of divorces happened in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Everyone thought it was better for the children that they divorced, however now that no one was at fault there wasn’t a “good” parent the children automatically went to. Children in divorces became the property and were split in half. 

A divorce almost always has a negative effect on children. Most feel neglected. Lots of children will turn to drugs and result to substance abuse. Children who come from divorced families are also more likely to have eating disorders. Later consequences come in other forms such as lower levels of relationship commitments.  They struggle with trust, anxiety, and have difficulties with love.
Not all divorces have these effects on children, however more often than not they happen.

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