
Marriage Myths and The Demographic Winter

Ever heard that opposites attract? Ever thought that the person you married would be your complete opposite? Truth be told, you would eventually hate that person if they were truly your opposite. Do you really think if you were the cleanest person out there you would not be slightly disgusted by the biggest slob?
This is one of the big myths about marriage and relationships that people make up. I really wonder where people even got this idea? In class we were throwing around ideas of why some people really think they are attracted to that person at the beginning. Remember how guys always complain the good girl falls for the bad guy? That’s because the girl is looking for something exciting. Different. But it doesn’t last long. They only want that adventure for a small time before the girl is ready to really settle down. So for all those boys out there that are jealous of those “bad” boys, just wait it out. You’ll get the girl eventually.
Another myth that is common for relationships is that there isn’t conflict in a happy marriage. Honestly, my parents have been married for almost 33 years (This year) and they are probably the model couple I look to. They have their own conflicts, but it really doesn’t mean that they are unhappier than the next couple. The key word to this is conflict. Not arguments or fights. We can look at a conflict as not seeing eye to eye on all situations. You can’t be friends or have a relationship with someone and not have some kind of conflict amongst you. It could be something from not agreeing on whether a movie was good or not to a disagreement about politics. It’s only a matter of how you and your spouse over come the conflict. How is the resolution? Do you stay annoyed or mad at them? Are you one to bring up that conflict at a later time and rub it in? Or do you and your spouse take that experience and build from it? Conflict can be a useful building tool in a marriage. It can help strengthen the bonds and create some crazy memories. But I’m also not encouraging anyone to go out  and find something that purposely irritates their spouse and try to create a learning opportunity. That might just end bad.
I have heard about many different myths about relationships but those were the two that stood out to me in class because I thought that was kind of ridiculous and for me it seemed like it didn’t make sense one bit.
 We also talked about the trends these days that have to do with the family. Some of them are not having children to an older and age or not having kids at all. The problem that we are facing with not having children now is that we won’t be able to support the large amount of older people. The United States is one of the few western countries that does not have a declining population. The only reason for that is because of the immigrants who move to this country. Some countries in Europe even pay their citizens to have children, yet no one does it still. Some offer them completely free child care so they don’t have to give up work; they still don’t care.
You might be asking if it’s really that big of a deal, but it really is. Can you believe that this is one of the first times that we know of in which so many countries have declining population? Instead of the 200 or so people who pay social care for one senior, it’ll decline and it will come down to a small number such as 2. We will have to pay that much more in taxes. Then you have to think about who will eventually fill all the houses that the baby boomers are downgrading from? We won’t have enough people to fill those houses meaning that our interests on loans will sky rocket. We also won’t have enough people to fill the jobs that we currently have people in. That means the luxuries that we all have won’t always be there if we start to lose the man power.
This issue in not having children is becoming a large issue. However, time magazine and other popular news resources are telling people we have way too many people on this earth. They like to make us believe that we will run out of resources one day. My teacher posted a two-part video for us to watch on the dropping population that I think is really interesting. If you can’t watch both, I believe it’s worth watching one.

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